Apple® Device Settings

Settings for Apple® devices (iPad®, iPhone® etc) are essentially the same as for other devices.
Details instructions are available at
Ensure your Apple® device deletes mail from the server unless you have a PC or laptop that does this. Failure to do so will cause your mailbox to become full, and email will be rejected.

To ensure email is removed from the server;
Select Settings, Mail Contacts Calendar, your account, Advanced, Delete from server, the option required.
Select Settings, mail, select your account, select your account again, advanced, deleted mailbox, on ipad trash and server trash

Incoming Server

Select POP3 as the server type, with the server name shown below. - port 110

Outgoing Server

Where possible, use the SMTP server details provided by your Internet connection provider. - port 25
(requires authentication)

User Name

Ensure you give your full email address in the log-on user name.